Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Don't make the mistake that so many lovers make when selecting your perfect engagement ring.

More and bigger and most expensive is not always best. The power of the ring is in what it means to you and your partner.

Engagement rings are a symbol of love that you will always wear. No price tag can be placed on that!

So don't start looking a price ranges when searching for your ring.

And don't just look at diamond rings because that is what you think you want.

Experience all the different combinations:

    Gold rings to silver rings
    Diamond rings to Sapphire

speaks to you

When you first start looking keep an open mind.

If you know that you want a diamond ring then force yourself to look at another engagement ring that is not that appealing.

Believe it or not this is how you will know if you have the perfect ring.

When you look at the "OTHER" RING ...ask yourself what does this ring lack or what is missing.

If you can say that your favorite diamond ring has all the things that are missing... then and only then you can take comfort that your diamond ring could be the symbol of love that you seek.

As the great poet John Wilbye says:

".. And love me still, but know not why!"

In other words, find a ring that speaks to your heart not your mind.

I hope this engagement ring tip gives you a new way to look at your wedding ring options.

Remember the perfect engagement or weeding ring is the ring you wear with love in your hearts.