Friday, May 31, 2013

You need to embrace r-e-s-p-e-c-t for yourself in order to begin building healthy relationships. Sometimes we have to demand respect from those who don’t otherwise give it to us.
The good news is behaviors are learned! So if they are learned that means we can LEARN how to begin Building Healthy Relationships!!

First, you have to love yourself. People who don’t love themselves have low self-worth, low self-esteem and don't demand respect in the relationships they’re in.

Why? You don’t think that you deserve it? Will no one else love you?

Only you can answer those questions but once you begin to embrace love for yourself, truly-love-yourself, you will not allow others to be disrespectful toward you.

You are worth setting boundaries which will help in not allowing others to hurt you.
You have heard the saying, “give-em-an-inch and they’ll take a mile”. Never be used, people who love you, WANT and DESIRE whatever makes you happy!

Building Healthy Relationships is always a two way street.

Change will never happen if only one person is trying to build a healthy relationship. Do not be the only one working on the problem. If you are going to work on something, let it be yourself.
You cannot change another human being so do not get frustrated and try.

The intent of this site is to give resources, support, awareness and education on building healthy relationships, better communication, become a better YOU, as well as, how to know if you're not in a healthy relationship(s); things you can do to help yourself and loved ones who find themselves in bad relationship(s).

In addition, we will cover what you need to look for to see if your teen is dating the wrong person or hanging out with the wrong crowd. Abuse issues will be among our materials; adult and childhood.
Upon your request, we will send you resources and information that will put you in touch with the right people in your area, if you're in an abusive situation--or you can choose to confidentially correspond with us and we will be happy to assist you. If you're not sure, write and we can discuss all of your options. All correspondence is CONFIDENTIAL!

Doesn’t everyone DREAM of being in and building healthy relationships??

Sure, we all dream of having the perfect life. The perfect job, mate, family, home and social circle.
The basis for everyone’s happiness is, of course, relationships. The one’s we have with our boss, co-workers, our mate, family, friends, teachers and classmates.

Everyone has a deep desire for their relationships to be healthy, exciting and always leaving you feeling good about yourself!

But how do you make that happen?

You must have r-e-s-p-e-c-t for yourself.

If you’re a woman, you’ve probably dreamed of your knight and shining armor as a little girl. Fantasizing of that perfect mate….then when you got your first crush, the innocence of your youth, allowed you to think that it would be just as you had hoped for. But then…what happened?? Some may think building healthy relationships is too difficult for them and others...maybe they think they just keep "choosing" the wrong people...

If you're a man maybe you’ve always dreamed of getting married and having children. Visualized that perfect marriage. You have thoughts of coming home to a loving wife, who is never in a bad mood with happy children. The house is clean, bills are paid and you live in a house with a white picket fence. Then as you got older, your discovery-- it may not have unfolded quite that way.
We know that nobody is perfect; therefore, we cannot be as parents, children, spouses, employers, neighbors or friends.

If only we could go back to the innocence of our youth and believe in that perfection again. Believe that everyone would do what he or she said they would. Remember those days?? Where have we gone wrong?

Communication maybe?

Is it the ability to understand one another’s needs, desires, goals and dreams?
Trust seems to play a huge role in the way we relate to one another. Do we not trust one another? We want to and I think that sometimes we may believe we do BUT then we second guess each other and question motives. Wonder whether others are being truthful. Whether or not people really mean what they say.

Sound familiar?

Why is this?

Many factors play a role in our belief system. We come into this world believing everyone. As children, we trust everyone, then unfortunately, we are so trusting, some of us become a target of people who do us harm. This is how we begin to develop our belief system. It begins with how we are treated, as children. That treatment contributes to how we learn to trust or not trust other people. It has to do with our experiences in life. Simply put, the way we have been treated and relate to others is how our perception is developed, concerning relationships.

Fortunately not everybody has had a bad childhood. However, the same rules apply; at some point in life, everyone has experienced bad encounters with people, which have the same effect.
No matter what stage in life you have had a bad experience, the results are the same.

I know that some of you are reading this saying “get a grip” have you looked around lately, listened to the news, or other people? Actually, I have and I am still optimistic that change can start with just one person, actually two people, you and me. So as you review the site, you too will become more optimistic on how to begin building healthy relationships.